Tag Archives: emotive

Computer hater

Cute little girl helping father to repair old computer motherboard using solderer

Computer hater

Cute little girl helping father to repair old computer motherboard using solderer

Computer hater

Cute little girl helping father to repair old computer motherboard using solderer

Blonde and solderer

Cute little girl helping father to repair old computer motherboard using solderer

Blonde and solderer

Cute little girl helping father to repair old computer motherboard using solderer

Manic Mental Momentum – Self Portrait

A fan was used to whip my hair around and create a sense of motion. I used extreme make-up, lighting and whispers of movement to create a sense of frenetic darkness. I have bipolar, adhd, ocd and ptsd.

I can only speak to my own experience, but… I feel like the gift is creativity, the price of admission, is a little bit of crazy and i am okay with that. 😉 Accepting the up and down cycles, rather than working against them trying to be, “normal” is key for me.

The complicated mental machinery of my mind have become the nuts and bolts of my creative process, my art… BUT.. unlike my computer, my mind does not come with an optional shut-down mode, reboot, or stand-by. This means i am always too much and never enough in all that i am, all that i experience and all that i do. In the real world, it is a challenging way to exist, a tiring way to live. I have horrible bouts of insomnia due to my inability to shut down my mind. Creative work spins me into manic episodes.

I tried “therapy” and a host of prescription medications. It was not the right path for me. After 5 years of misery and feeling like i had undergone a chemical lobotomy, i turned back to myself. I read books on behavior modification and DBT. I now adhere to a natural, grain-free, gluten-free, mostly vegan diet. Along with meditation, yoga and other forms of healthy exercise, along with journaling and natural supplementation and herbs to take the extreme edge off of my moods. This has allowed me to maintain my creativity without falling off of the edge into insanity. It’s an empowered place to be.

You can also view my artography on my FB fan page: