Tag Archives: knife

Hidding From Hatred

Okay right now I feel like driving to KLCC catching a lift to the top of one of the towers to then throw my computer off the top as a firing squad shoots it to a million pieces. My computer is only a few years old yet so many things are going wrong with it. The battery only lasts 10 minutes without being plugged to the charger, it takes 5 minutes for programs to open – which really isn’t that long but in the past it has only taken a matter of seconds, if I have more than 2 things open at once it starts to lag, and in December the wire connecting the RAM to the ROM was fried – which freaked me out because I thought I had lost all my work. I’m seriously considering getting a PC rather than a Mac next time I upgrade. Apart from the frustration and inappropriate names I called my computer, I would say I had I had a good time. Oddly enough I see this photo kind of reflecting the whole process of making it.

Solo Warrior

Taken from Eravipuram, Kollam, Kerala, India.