Tag Archives: animals

Clothing designers working in workshop together

Clothing designers working in workshop together

Clothing designers working in workshop together

Clothing designers working in workshop together

Clothing designers working in workshop together

Clothing designers working in workshop together

Clothing designers working in workshop together

Clothing designers working in workshop together

Clothing designers working in workshop together

Clothing designers working in workshop together

In the “Moo”d to pose eh ;)

Spotted this one on the grassy pavement on the side of the OMR during one of my random photo-walks. Felt like capturing her.

will not be uploading any pics for the next three days as I am off on a short vacation and I wont be having my computer with me. I will be able to Like/Like and Fave pics of my friends on 500px by logging in through my phone though.


It has been a year since the taking of this photograph.