Tag Archives: oil

The City of Circuitry

Metallic and artificial
Like every other city
it is dominated by plaster and metal
a map view of connected steel
i need some nature in my life and thats just how i feel

Big tanks

Two big reservoirs, with stairs and a blue sky

Polphail abandoned village, Scotland

Built in the 70s as a self contained village for 500 oil platform workers that never came.

The village at that time was a very modern complex with retail kiosks, a bar, cafeteria, a bank and even a basic hospital facility. They were so prepared even the dorms were fully equipped with basic furnishings, sheets on the beds and coat hangers in the cupboards, some of which are still there.

It lies, forgotten, on the remote Cowal Peninsula, the only tenants being bats, rats, and the occasional sheep.

A few years ago some graffiti artists were commissioned to put their stamp on the place before its imminent demolition (which still hasn’t happened as yet).

Solo Warrior

Taken from Eravipuram, Kollam, Kerala, India.