Tag Archives: señales


Doors can tell the story of a plcae.


Doors can tell the story of a plcae.


Cartagena is a photo itself… just gorgeous


Cartagena is a photo itself… just gorgeous

sin Horizonte

Cartagena is a photo itself… just gorgeous

Demente lights

demente is an amazing bar in Getsemani in Cartagena

Some joice on wheels

Street store

Forget it

abandon building

Full Sail

walking through the streets of the old city of cartagena you have a picture in every corner, every brick and each door. A city of stories and history, full of tales of violence, beauty, pirates and dreams.

The Street

walking through the streets of the old city of cartagena you have a picture in every corner, every brick and each door. A city of stories and history, full of tales of violence, beauty, pirates and dreams.