Tag Archives: vision

day two seventy three. autopilot.

day two seventy three. autopilot.

do you ever have those days where your brain almost goes on autopilot while your working (or driving or doing whatever) and you come to and realize, ‘I don’t really remember the last few minutes at all.. but I was still successfully working and getting things done (or somehow amazingly managing to not have a car accident)? it’s such a strange feeling isn’t it?

my job requires me to be at my desk pretty much 90% of the time. sometimes I sit down to work and quickly forget everything going on around me and just focus on what’s in front of me. and it’s like I go blank or something.. I start working and I just get really focused. so focused that I forget the time, I forget to eat.. until something, a phone or a noise outside, interrupts my train of thought and I look down and think ‘whoa, where did the time go.’

that’s what today felt like. my brain was on autopilot working for me without needing my full attention.. I think people who do smilier tasks day in and day out probably know what I’m talking about. like muscle memory or something..? I think it’s interesting.


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