Tag Archives: clear

Picture of a heart cloud on blue sky in green field

Picture of a heart cloud on blue sky in green field and wood plant


Finally my computer is back home again from service ! First service in 4 years after a crash 😛 Good for a ACER !

First up is a HDR shot of Sørfjorden !

I have seen a lot of you have added my pictures to your favs and started following me 😉 Thanks to everyone !
I will be more active now as my computer is back 😉
have a nice weekend !


Doors can tell the story of a plcae.


Doors can tell the story of a plcae.


Doors can tell the story of a plcae.


Doors can tell the story of a plcae.


Cartagena is a photo itself… just gorgeous


Cartagena is a photo itself… just gorgeous

sin Horizonte

Cartagena is a photo itself… just gorgeous